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smart and sassey
53 Year Old Woman looking for a Man, age 51 - 56

Description : I enjoy reading, cooking. Not into games or drama to old for that now in my life. Been thru a lot in my life and have learned to lean and depend on the Lord during those hard times. Looking for someone who loves to laugh and cut up but can be serious also. Would love to meet someone that is just a good old boy who is dependable and honest and just knows how to treat a lady. If you think we might click send me a few lines. Look forward hearing from you soon.

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General Information

Gender: Woman
Age: 53
Zodiac/Horoscope Sign: Aquarius
Occupation: Medical
Physical Attributes: petite
City: Wilkes

Physical Attributes

I have brown/blonde hair.
I have two eyes.
My height: Short.
My weight: Average.
I have one body.


Alcohol - Never.
Smoking - Never.
If I were in high school today, I would be Drama Club.
The celebrity I most identify with is Bette Midler.
Am I adventurous? Somewhat.
My race is White.
My religion is Christian (non-Catholic).
My religion importance is: Daily study / Devotions.


My education is: Some College.
My annual income is Impoverished.
How important is my job? Pays the bills.

Marital Details

My marital status is: Divorced.
My child/children is/are: no children.

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