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ISO Married Guy that Myself and Husband will approve of for friendship.
38 Year Old Woman looking for a Man, age 35 - 45

Description : I�m putting this out there but am very doubtful to find the right person. I am straight 5� 3� 120 lbs blonde hair blue eyes and attractive. My husband is straight but would like to see me with another man. We are looking for the 1 in a million person that can be trusted and be friends with myself and my husband. This person would be married and understand that to be with me you must be respectful and not a ****y douche. You wouldn�t be in competition with my husband and I wouldn�t be competition with your spouse. But if the right person that is smoke, drug and disease free is out there. It would be me and you whenever our free time aligns. My husband may or may not be present whenever we get together, that�s up to him. We are discreet and private about you and expect the same from you about us. As trust is built over time it may be a long term mutually beneficial arrangement. Sorry I really don�t know what I�m looking for until I see it.

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General Information

Gender: Woman
Age: 38
Zodiac/Horoscope Sign: Not Entered
Occupation: Not Entered
Physical Attributes: Attractive mom
City: Hickory

Physical Attributes

I have Blonde hair.
I have Blue eyes.
My height: Short.
My weight: Average.
I have Average body.


Alcohol - Occassionally.
Smoking - Never.
If I were in high school today, I would be Detention Squad.
The celebrity I most identify with is Blake Lively.
Am I adventurous? Not at all.
My race is White.
My religion is Christian (non-Catholic).
My religion importance is: Somewhat.


My education is: College Degree.
My annual income is $65-89,000/year.
How important is my job? I love my job.

Marital Details

My marital status is: Married.
My child/children is/are: Most important .

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